Mr. Gorbachev, let me post flip charts on this wall!

A post about posting (on walls) at events – part 1 | Conferences That Work:

Recently I’ve been frustrated and baffled. No less than three venues (two hotels and a conference center) in the last month have informed me that I was not allowed to post anything on the walls of the room I was meeting in.

Nothing could be posted. No flip chart paper, no masking tape, no stick pins, no thumbtacks, no sticky notes, and no wall clips.

To add insult to injury, none of the venues apologized or offered any suggestions on alternative ways I could display materials on a vertical surface. None of them had any substitute surfaces, like large portable notice boards or whiteboards available.

Hey, venue owners: I’ll bet that whatever it costs you to repaint from time to time, you’ll more than make up in repeat business as participant satisfaction with events drives organizers to come back to you.